
Noting down Nov 20 2009

When relationships make no sense, when you are there and you are not there, when the line of balance is so thin you just want it to tip as you can't handle the anxiety; there is thread of hope that binds it all into a fantasy. This thread tangles more than it sets into order. While one happily sees each day pass by, on a day to day basis, the wage being a hope to wake up the next day and look forward to something; meaning is completely relative and loses its meaning altogether. Compartmentalisation becomes the only way to sustenance. What if suddenly we find that the code words we had used to catalog our mind and memory have been tampered with. When everything becomes irrelevant, what is there to look forward to. and if nothing then what we are left with is a huge mass of time in our hands, that is dead weight. No possibility of wormholes then only infested rots that ooze of stagnancy. And to say anything to someone, half knowing you won't mean it the moment you utter it and still saying it is like writing this very note here.

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