

Counting days
Then hours
Then minutes
Then seconds
But then nothing
As I can count faster
Now what
I wait for the next second
Or do I slow down
Should I go on?
Will stopping get me out?
Or should I just drag on
Or perhaps be dragged
Don’t know what I am dragged into
Or what I am dragging behind
All I know is this is endless
I am tired
But my vision is greedy
Something attracts me forward
Something pulls back
Sand runs beneath
And no thread hangs in the air
So I close my eyes
To hide the vision
But it follows light
So I again head onward
Just like this poem with no end
In which too, the vision I fail to comprehend…


  1. well...it wud have been even better if u had elaborated...but thanxxx

  2. Kinda abrupt... Tho it's short I fell you've dragged it a bit. This is jus my perception... No hard feelings pls:)

    Keep it rollin;)

  3. though u may have tried to be specific....but i feel the scope is much varied n vast...the feeling is so pervasive...

    it cud be retitled as m i losing myself in the labyrinths of subjectivity....[:P]

    wat do u think wud be the way out??

  4. The ravings that all of us go through...but few know them for their true countenance.
    Not that u address the cause with a solution but have created a piece of beauty and finesse that gets emphasized in its graininess...
