
ReDefiNiNG DefiNiTioNs

Come on let’s ride
Out of this circle of life
Out of reality’s mime
Out of the definitions of time

Let’s enter the pages
Of our favourite tale and places
Let’s fall in love again and again
Let’s gift our love an “ever after” frame

Let’s just walk the yellow road
To ask for wings from the wizard of oz
Then let’s make love on cloud number nine
Composing a poem in live prose

Let’s sit together on the moon’s curve
Let’s play hide and seek among stars in love
Let’s leave behind the sands of time
Let’s enter the sea of tranquil tides

Let’s just lock our embrace
Then just throw the keys away
Let us bind together to rise and to fall
Let’s live a dream that’s unknown to all

Let’s see what only we together can see
Let’s feel what only we together can feel
Let’s make a clock of our own fate
Let us make time and tide wait

Let’s give new meanings to love
Let’s make God reveal his verve
Let’s explore the world again
Let’s write history again

Let’s eternalise all our rhymes insane
Let’s create a vision that remains
In a land devoid of time frames
Let’s define definitions again…………..

An Unfinished Line

Feeling like an incomplete
Symphony viciously bleak
With a void inside
Which my poems flaunt with pride
Feeling lonely
Amongst people who adoringly
Love me I am searching
For The One composing
A melody sublime
To pour in my heart’s shrine
Filling its air with a pure note
Relieving me from the agony of both
Lightness and heaviness
Haunting my emptiness
By a silent promise
Of eternal trust without compromise
A person who is my need
With whom I can just be me without heed
Together to achieve
In the ultimate power to believe
Making a couple that can not fall
Where one fails other will stand tall
Where one will hesitate
Other will firmly levitate
Where one will cry
Other will help tears dry
Where one will be weak
Other will steer the wheel
Where one will be evil
Other will teach and belittle
Neither sacrificing
Nor suppressing
Together we will stride
The path of life
Never letting go
Always sharing the loaf
Reaching for an equality
That defies all this fake reality
Experiencing tranquillity
Through our spirits’ unity
Almost like being born again
But this time with no loose ends
Sitting on the either side
Balancing the pole of life
Feeling so complete
Possessing an equal belief
Sharing something more than just trust
Something more than just lust
Something more than just love
Something more than anything on this earth
Something that has not been defined
Something that defeats time
And also something that perhaps will never be mine
As I know I am the first line
Of the two-line poem defining my smile
But for the unfinished last line
I will have to find MY RHYME



Counting days
Then hours
Then minutes
Then seconds
But then nothing
As I can count faster
Now what
I wait for the next second
Or do I slow down
Should I go on?
Will stopping get me out?
Or should I just drag on
Or perhaps be dragged
Don’t know what I am dragged into
Or what I am dragging behind
All I know is this is endless
I am tired
But my vision is greedy
Something attracts me forward
Something pulls back
Sand runs beneath
And no thread hangs in the air
So I close my eyes
To hide the vision
But it follows light
So I again head onward
Just like this poem with no end
In which too, the vision I fail to comprehend…



The disturbing flawless symmetry
The haziness in lucidity
A passing moment of sudden revelation
Back to an incomplete peroration
The hollowness and absurdity
Retrospection and perplexity
The perfection so unreal
Juxtapositions so surreal
The search, the incomplete explanations
The existence and the implication
The pain, the purgation
The joy and the isolation
The first cry of mortal pain
The last gasp of breath in vain
Yin and yang; Matter and antimatter
The opposite of time; a universe parallel
All the answers hiding there
Leaving us with questions, unaware
The mocking assumptions
Opposites and similar liaisons
The differences and their dissolution
The ultimate annihilation
An experiment
Or mere fate
Innocent pawns or power wielders
Still amateur or subconscious masters

Do we have the ticker?
Or is someone else ticking it?
To time zero again we return;
No enlightenment; no realisations hit
One more attempt to clear the mist
Lost in translation
Or is it a problem of narration?


I am surprised
Stabbed again but still am alive
A familiar pain lingers on
Forcing me to go on
What else could cause this irony?
A diabolique pain initiating a blissful journey!

A touch of innocence
A glow of intelligence
A smile mystifying
A glance purloined
A word of trust
A nod of interest

But how can it be, when all
I did was take a stroll
Pressing the soft blades of dew filled grass
Under the sun’s kind glance
Carrying In my hand an orchid bud
My tresses kissing the chilly wind with lust

While I gazed
At a flag placed
On the heights that rose in the vicinity
With an air of tranquillity
I get again
A fresh pang of pain

So I decide to climb
The aforesaid with all my might
To discover
The unknown stabber
When I make it to the peak
Tormented and weak
The soreness
Changes into a feeling of reverence

With an odd sense of Déjà vu,
I again scout,
Observing the two flags,
Unable to figure out.


The machine in which we all are caught is run by an engineer. its monotony had me writhing in a numbing pain. But then i found love in a phenomenon of a person and even that sound became music.


The drone hurt my ears
Round and round it sneered

I wish I could step off to repair
But then I thought of the engineer

But I had blurred his number
Once when alone with my tears

A dense smoke was gathering
And I was falling

I passed into a dream and saw the tops of trees
I was flying in cloudy streets

Then I felt claws digging in my skin
I was a mouse in an eagle’s cling

Then I felt something in my hand
It was another hand!

I looked up and saw a pair of eyes
Somehow it felt as if I found light

I walked into their door
And found myself soar

Melodies mediated
I felt intoxicated

I was drowning in a watery bliss
Then heart rescued heart and clicked

Two pairs of eyes fixed their gaze
A promise was made

And then I dreamt no more
Or maybe never left the dream’s door

When I opened my eyes
I saw these words staring in mine

And when I looked behind
Those eyes devoured my rhyme

I filed a suit in the court of time
And am still standing in the line

Though I lost my rhyme
I somehow like the sound of time

The lost soul

The lost soul

Like a fluff of cotton,
A soul wanders in aeon,
Listening not talking,
Soaring but not flying,
Perceiving not seeing,
Feeling but immovable,
Famous yet unknowable,

With the wind it rides,
Stopping when rain strikes,
Gathering dust and moisture,
It gets heavy and sinks lower,
In hands of a small kid divine,
It gets caught in time,
Then it’s put to use,
To caress, to amuse,
It wonders, “Is that all there is to life,
Or is there anything more sublime?”

In wandering its life lies,
Its lies it defies,
In defying it learns to surmise,
Surmising it discovers life,
Confused yet knowingly it smiles,
Searching for answers it dies...