
I am a house with no windows

I am a house with many doors

The doors are not metaphors

Afraid to unsettle the dust
On the outside handle
Would you open the closed ones?

The doors can function as windows

How do I click a picture?
Without blocking the door for an instant
When the camera shutter falls

But some are locked from the outside

How do I make way for a glance?
Without opening the door
And risking the ocean out

But some doors are always open

I am a house with no windows
I am a house with no windows



Form flows
All into one

Formlessness becomes
The order of the day

To name a thing
Is to draw a line here
And a line there
And cut out a piece
Before the flow starts
And the edges dissolve again
Before something oozes out
To take its place

For that instant
The name is all there is
And form 
Not what it used to be

measuring lines

The phone turns to kilometers
Kilometers not longer than the distance between words
Words pile up like carcasses after a massacre
But, there is no buzzing of the bees
Only silence
With the stench of some base frequency audible at times
Like a distant loudspeaker
Meant to reach more people than interested

I open and close drawers
Organizing things in a neat order
Even the photo albums
Where photos are laden with moisture behind cellophane
Rereading books for underlined words
Hoping to label each drawer with them
But everything is a road
Marked by kilometers

Even the database of arguments and poetry
Has a ravine in between
Probably just the difference of width
Between the left and right arm’s circumference
Maybe it is just the probability
Of someone else answering the phone
Other than the intended

The kilometers between the phone and me shrink sometimes
But the voices have the ambience of large halls
Seething with distance
All the high frequencies get lost in transmission
There’s only the muffled vibration
But, it is apparent that no matter what the unitary conversion
Space and time have an unstable equation

The markers are all fudged
There remains mere displacement
Kilometers without any significance
All that matters is that even though
Earlier it took more time to reach
With the coming of the faster line
The distance only increased
And the phone fell short in every bit

The only markers lie
In the twitch of a muscle
At the hint of a familiar scent
Or the pit that appears in the belly
If its depth can be measured
We can know how much it really was
The distance between the two voices on the phone



to put a finger on what really drives you towards something
that thing that changes your face
and takes you closer to the life in your eyes
what is that perversion that takes your sleep away
when a smile emerges on your face
not in wont of being shared with anyone
opening an imaginary realm which you can inhabit
with your bare feet rooted in the ground
that file, the store room of inscription, the teleporter,
the place where stories were written
never to be read
and you stumble there
to put a finger on it
and just stay
evading linearity of time
refusing to leave it alone
striving for that transitory delusion
of a momentary


mosaic musings

I can always love my past loves
putting them safely in boxes
to fetch them
when I wish to make a connection
long lost
but possible still
through things
that remain

love’s residue is also love
not a sum of parts
but a whole in itself
i cant quite separate
each one 
and measure
if it counts

this cannibalistic desire 
for canned jars
of lovers
turning to wine
Stirs in the attic of my stomach
where with each year
a knot loosens

and a line appears
on my face
reminding me
that this one-sided
is all I have 
Quite like a life measured in “coffee spoons”

someday, I will look back
where they all are neatly arranged
in no special order
but each in its special place
the only place
where I could bear to have them
this mosaic sculpture of my design

I can always love my past loves
reminding myself of Porphyria’s lover
a pathological toying with form
but evading patterns
always moving closer
to the continuous present
of love


Like the wild grass

don’t save me
as I run through this vast meadow
facing the horizon
with my eyes closed

In these empty lands I meander
calling upon the moment
where the tangerine sky
meets the grey of infinity


see me
like the burning sun
which glazes my skin
leaving an imprint of its gaze

hold me
like the ground
which doesn't shake
when I move

love me
like the sea
with enveloping waves
always throwing me off balance

meet me
where my feet are planted
like grass
harbouring the falling dew

think of me
as nothing more or less
than a song
especially written for you

and let me fall back
to the ground

as I am not
like the wild wind
sweeping you off your feet

I am like the wild grass
which grows anywhere

and except holding the soil

offers nothing


what's left of us

I found remains of us
in the visa bill of our last dinner together
it is one of the things
that's left
of us

I scanned it carefully
memorizing what you and I ordered
remembering its taste
as if there was something in the detail
tooth picking my heart's cavity
as if it was the first of the last from
what's left of us

I will plant the bill carefully
in the files of us
with everything else
hoping to find it again
like those flowers I kept
in my books
always finding them again
with their colour changed

in the fading mirrors
of our sea
where like a receding hairline
the water retreated into a mirage
leaving only a few broken shells
always changing form
blurring the remains of us

there is no adjustment possible
from what we thought would be
as what's left of us
is also the ever after frame
carpentered by the high tide
of the excesses of us

From the oozing molasses of my heart
there will be sunshine soon
bursting into perhaps a honeysuckle

which i will water
hoping maybe that someday
there would be more than just an empty shore
that's left of us
you and I
will no longer be



वो किताब बार बार एक ही पन्ने पर खुल कर
टकटकी लगाए, इंतेज़ार करती रहती है
खिड़की से हवा के आते ही
मानो वो किताब का हर पन्ना
उस एक बदनाम पन्ने को धकेल कर
छत ताकने पर मजबूर करे बिना नही मानता

पर उस पन्ने को कोई याद नही रखना चाहता
उसके कान मोड़ कर
कोई बुकमार्क भी नही करना चाहता

मानो की, उस पन्ने को कोई तभी पढ़ना चाह सकता है
जब वो अपने आप खुल के आँखों के सामने आ बैठे


मोज़ाइयिक सी चाहना

जिस तरह मैं अपने पुराने घर में बसी हुई हूँ  
कई घर बदलने के बाद
(आज भी सपनों में मुझे
अपना पुराने वाला घर ही दिखता है)
तुम कुछ उसी तरह मुझ में बसे हो
अब तुम यहाँ रहो या ना रहो
बसे तो तुम हो यहाँ
थोड़े ही से सही

तुम्हारे गालों के गड्ढे
इसकी दीवारों में आलें बने बैठे हैं
तुम्हारी खुश्बू सीलन की तरह मेरे
टीबी के बाद के बचे कुचे फेफड़ों पे हावी है
तुम्हारा गुस्सा छत से पपड़ी की तरह  
धीरे धीरे मुझ पे टपकता ही रहता है

घर में सिर्फ़ तुम ही नही
और भी लोग तहख़ाने में जमे बैठे है
कोई दीमक सा मेरी पुरानी क़िताबे पचा रहा है
कोई अलमारी के उपर की धूल में छिपकली जैसा छुपा है
तो कोई मेरे कपड़ों पर कलफ़ की तरह कड़क सा लगा बैठा है

सोफे के पीछे के वो सिर के तेल के निशानो के पीलेपन से
लंबाई नापने वाले इंचों के आगे के नामो से
और पुराने कलेंडर वाली कील से
जिसपे एप्रिल अभी भी लाल है
पुत जाएँगे सब तुम्हारे जाने से
इन्ही से घर वाइट वॉश चाह रहा है

सब सफेद हो जाएगा, नये जैसा
और हो जाएगा नया, वो पुराना फर्श भी
जिसपे हम गर्मियों में चटाई बिछा कर सो जाते थे
घिसाई के बाद उसपे, पाउडर डाल कर
मैं बिना स्केट्स के ही इधर से उधर फिसलूंगी

पर फिर भी मुझे पता है
जब मैं कभी अपने ख़यालों में  
कॅमोड पे बैठे ताक रही होंगी
तुम मिलोगे उस मोज़ाइयिक फर्श पे
किसी एक धब्बे में अपनी जीब चिड़ाते हुए
और मैं हमेशा की तरह हंसकर झल्लाओंगी

बस शायद यही यह घर चाह रहा है



शब्दों को मरोड़  कर
उनका सत् निकाल कर
गड्ड गड्ड पीया जा सकता है

छाननी में छूटे हुए
फूस की तरह पड़े शब्दों को
ग्रीटिंग कार्ड पे
रिसाइकल भी किया जा सकता है

उन्हे उबाल कर
नींबू से फाड़ कर
समय और तापमान का सही तालमेल बैठा कर
दही भी जमाया जा सकता है

पर मैं चाहती हूँ कुछ ऐसा
जैसे दही में चीनी मिला दी हो
की शब्दों की तासीर ही बदल जाए

नेरूदा के चेररी ब्लॉसम के पेड़ के साथ
बसंत की छेड़खानी की तरह
या एलीयट के आते जाते 
माइकलएंजेलो की बात करते लोगों की तरह 
ऐसे शब्द जिनको कह देने के बाद 
कुछ असर दिखे
बस नापा ना जा सके

मेरी दादी के बड़े पेट की तरह
जो मेरी बहन और मेरे बीच बँटता
लिपट जाते हम
एक तरफ मैं तो दूसरी तरफ वो 

पर मेरी दादी के पेट का शब्दों से क्या करना
उसकी गुड गुड आवाज़ में थोड़े ना कोई रस या अलंकार छुपे थे
पर चार फीट की खाट पे
मेरी दादी, उनका पेट और हम दोनो,
ऐसे फिट हो जाते

जैसे कुछ शब्द, कविता में हो जाते हैं