
Floating Signifier

Events float without roots
I apply logic of the past on
Today’s effect
Context too evaporates

Amnesiac calendars
Catalogue seasons together
All the years fit into
A single refrain
Stuck on a record player

Memory dwells
Like a parasite
Forgetfulness does not oblige
A name rules all
And lays claim to other nests

Confused grammar fails
The test of tense

Desperate scissors
Fumble with the cellophane

A needle pokes the inflamed gum
Searching for that numbing pain

Wistful parchments step into water
Hoping to dissipate

But everything continues to form
A palimpsestic mass
Where the December wind
Blows in a dawn of March

(Like sand it runs through fingers
Like sand it washes away
But always comes back
To claim the shore
As its own resting place)

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