

I divided my consciousness into two
One followed the woman in black
Other the man in blue

They moved round and round
One heading up the road
The other down

Running after the fumes in a hurry
One wanted to bottle it up
The other to let it be

They shed all that they wore
One kept a feather
Other a sole

I noted their thoughts in varied forms
One displayed parallel lines
Other circles all along

There was a smell that guided them
One thought it was a leaf
The other eternal snow

I could only feel just one
And it was neither
Nor anything more

As they neared a meeting point
One tried to turn back
The other got stoned

But, now they were free from will
They were sucked together
Into the shrinking hole

As my consciousnesses got confused
Which followed which?
Who was who?

I realized there was no smell
No woman in black
Or a man in blue

As I divided consciousness again
I did notice a certain leaf
And some snow too

I took both and burned them
But, the smell seemed familiar
Like a Déjà-vu


Smell of smoke

Can you smell it?
Something burning, overdone, burnt.
It comes from far away.
Perhaps, the other side

The air seems heavy
As if carrying death.
But I can’t see,
Can’t see my own end.
I am choking,
But, exhaling something.

Its smoke!
Yes, all round, on every side.
It’s not the night
But the colour of smoke.

I am paralyzed
Even though there’s a snake inside.
I have become pain itself,
My bones are like dust,
My skull is about to split
I am unperturbed.

Beneath my shiny white skin
I am only ashes within,
Surrounded with smoke,
Boiled, burnt, yellow yoke.