

Water and smoke
A white Light
A grey cloak

Gravity redefines
I just sit in prose
Devoid of a home

To you it's madness
For me meditation

For you it’s unethical
For me my religion

For you it’s unnatural
For me my purgation

That which seems complete
For me is never enough


A crimson face
A yellowish glow
I stand unperturbed
But not for long
As a glare finds my window

It captivates
I look aghast
It swallows
As kilometers melt
Differences shrink destiny’s mast

A wave of hope
Splashes across my wall
Something knocks
I open my heart
And answer a call

In the moonlight
An eye smiles
One bleeds
Another face in celluloid

Nothing moves
Nothing dies
I stand unperturbed
Someone finds love
Other an alibi
